Architecture & Architectural Technology
The Sir Richard Morrison Scholarship Scheme was established by Lieutenant Colonel Charles Colquhoun Morrison who bequeathed a sum of money ‘to provide scholarships for students of Architecture’ in memory of his relation, the renowned nineteenth century Irish architect Sir Richard Morrison. The scholarships were awarded to students of proven engagement and academic excellence and ran for a final time in June 2019.
To mark the end of the Sir Richard Morrison Scholarship Scheme in 2021, the Dublin School of Architecture will award a 500 euro Prize for Student Excellence to a student in each year of the architecture and architectural technology programmes. Each prize will be awarded with regard to academic performance combined with a record of engagement based on the judgment of the year team. These prizes will be called the Morrison Student Excellence Prize in recognition of Sir Richard Morrison Scholarship Scheme.
The Sir Richard Morrison Student Excellence Prize was awarded to 22 students across a number of courses, past and present, in 2022.