Suggested IT Security Resources


Protecting your device

CryptoLocker, Locky, Zepto. These recent ransomware titles sound scary. They don't have to be if you protect your computer. Ransomware is a type of malware that infects the computer, encrypts the files on it and demands a ransom be paid to unlock them.



Before your Computer is Infected

These security practices specifically help you prevent, detect and recover from ransomware.

  1. Use a separate, non-administrator account.
    Create a separate user-account for day-to-day use that does not have administrator permissions. Ransomware deletes automatic local computer file backups making it difficult to recover files. If your account does not have administrator permissions, these local file backups cannot be deleted.
  2. Disable Office Macros. 
    Many ransomware infections are caused through macro enabled Office attachments. Change your Office settings to disable macros.
  3. Install Anti-Virus Software
    Most ransomware is detected by anti-virus software. Be sure you have the recommended anti-virus software installed.
  4. Backup Your Data
    Backup your data regularly to an off-site location or external drive. If you are using an external or network drive, be sure to eject it once the backup is completed.
  5. Practice Safe “Clicking”
    Verify the URLs and don’t open attachments you’re not expecting.

If you suspect your computer is infected, contact the ICT Support  as soon as possible. We can help determine your next steps.