Dr. Kevin O'Rourke

Enterprise Partnership Lead
Email: kevin.orourke@tudublin.ie
Tel: +353 867740469
Kevin C. O'Rourke has worked at Technological University Dublin (formerly Dublin Institute of Technology) in a variety of positions over the past two decades, including roles in project management, as Head of eLearning Support & Development, as Digital Campus Architect and currently as Enterprise Partnership Lead with the Enterprise Academy. He worked on secondment with Ireland’s National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning to produce the Digital Roadmap for Higher Education (2015–17) and the review of Ireland’s Higher Education Digital Infrastructure (2017). Prior to joining DIT he worked for Columbia University’s Fathom.com, and his professional career spanned advertising and publishing in Dublin, New York and London. He holds a PhD in the history of ideas from University College London, as well as bachelor and masters degrees in philosophy from University College Dublin.