Office Space
Synergy Centre & Synergy Global are state of the art business and incubation facilities based in Dublin 24. The centres' house a combined 40 office units, a co-working space for 22 own desk startups, training & meeting rooms, cafes, plus a wide range
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New Frontiers
Ireland’s Entrepreneurship Development programme is delivered to new business start-ups in the greater south Dublin region. Many of our New Frontiers participants take office space at the centre which is a highly supportive environment for innovative
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Synergy Centre hosts Co-located Research Facilities including the Centre of Applied Science in Health (CASH) Radio Frequency Technology Centre (Anechoic Chamber) and Microsensors for Clinical Research (MiCRA) our Technology Gateway centre, plus stat.
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Facts and Figures
Synergy Residents
Sq. metres office space
Funding raised
Programme Participants