In June 2022, the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science announced a fourth strand of PATH which will be supported by funding of €12m over a four-year period starting in 2022/2023 and will be implemented on a phased basis as follows:

Phase 1 (2023 - 2024) – Universal Design Fund – Supporting inclusive universally designed higher education environments for all

Phase 1 is a once-off fund based on allocation/approved project plan basis to PATH-funded HEIs and supports the embedding of Universal Design (UD) approaches and inclusive practices in HEIs. This will benefit all students and in particular autistic students and enable the building of capacity in HEIs for greater participation by students with intellectual disabilities in higher education.

PATH 4 Phase 1 

  WP1 Policy WP2 Technology WP3 Building Staff & Student Capacity WP4 Capturing & Illustrating UD Journey WP5 Campus Environment WP6 UD Groundwork for Phase II
Research, Investigation & Discovery

Investigation and mapping of relevant existing TU Dublin policies for review of Universal Design.

Make recommendations for amendments to embed UD.

Contribute to National Charter for UD in Tertiary Education

Investigation of Accessibility Audit on TU Dublin Website with the intention to support the improvement of audit outcome figures.  

Make recommendations for Virtual Learning Environment.

Embedding Universal Design into the fabric of TU Dublin

Capturing the Universal Design Path 4 Journey.

Student and Staff UD Video contributions 

Review and dissemination of CEUD UD Resources provided by National Disability Authority (NDA).

Visualisation of TU Dublin success to date in UD (and UDL), for the purpose of building awareness, continuation of the UD conversations.

Dissemination of key UD artefacts and resources.

Collaborate with Campus Development 

UD input to Working Group with the Design and Construct Centre for the future Broombridge Campus. 

Further development of TU Dublin Way Finding App.

Sensory equipment

Laying the groundwork for students with Intellectual Disabilities within TU Dublin 

For Further Information on how to get involved in a UD workpackage, contact

PATH 4 Phase 2

Certificate in Independent Living – Pathways Together Programme

TU Dublin was successful in its application for HEA PATH funding for the provision of a 2-year full-time certificate programme for students with intellectual disabilities (ID). TU Dublin's Certificate in Independent Living – Pathways Together Programme, which will be delivered on the University's Blanchardstown and Tallaght Campus, under the School of Social Sciences, Law and Education and will see participants study a range of modules under five themes: STEAM, Life Skills, Personal Development, Preparation for Work, and Advocacy and Citizenship. The programme will be followed by a 12-month supported employment placement within industry with significant supports provided to both the student and the employer by the programme team.  It is hoped that following this pathfinding phase, the programme will also be rolled out to TU Dublin’s City Campus.

Programme Brochure: Certificate in Independent Living Skills Pathways Together

Make an Application: Apply Here

For further information on programme contact:

Access and Outreach Project Officer    Programme Design Team Programme Design Team
Susan Califf 
01 2207462
Deirdre Bonar 
01 2207407

Sylvia Healy
01 2207998


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