Join us for our upcoming QQI Webinar on 22nd January. Register here

Programme Details

Participants: All TU Dublin link schools are eligible to take part.

Length: The programme runs over 12 weeks between January and May.  Schools can tailor it to suit students’ needs or school timetables.  It’s very flexible and the length and content can be modified depending on the time available, the size of the group and the content created.

Location: TU Dublin facilitates three workshops for each school throughout the programme and the other sessions are teacher led. Each workshop takes place on a TU Dublin campus.

Team Size: Schools decide how many students are on each team and work on the planning and development of the show or podcast. Please note that our tv and podcast studios have limited capacity and a maximum of 20 students can attend the on-campus recording session in workshop 3. An alternative activity that will run simultaneously to the recording session will be organised for teams with more than 20 students.  Each team creates one tv show or podcast – teams cannot submit more than one show or podcast.               

Teachers: The programme will particularly appeal to English teachers; however, it can be delivered by any subject teacher as all of the information will be provided and TU staff provide continuous support.


Curriculum Links: The programme provides fun, interactive and practical activities that increases confidence and skills. It develops creativity and literacy skills, which are applicable to all academic subjects.  It supports LCA English, Communications and Social Education and also the Senior Cycle Key Skills Framework.

Taking part gives students an insight into the basics of creating and producing a programme that requires a diversity of skills. This helps students recognise their interests, strengths and abilities and can assist them when choosing their Leaving Certificate subjects.

TU Dublin Collaboration: Within TU Dublin, the School of Media and Drama lecturers and students collaborate with the Access and Outreach team to deliver the programme.

Participation in the YCP meets the Personal Skills requirements for a Bronze Gaisce award.

Questions: If you have any questions or want more information, contact Patricia on; 086 0126181.

Take Part: We will be in contact with our link schools about the next Young Creators' Programme in September 2024. Schools who are interested in taking part can register their interest and participation is on a first come, first served basis.